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therapist specialties

Therapist Specialties

Therapist Specialties - Cancer Counseling

Cancer Counseling

Cancer! You are shocked! Is that really happening to me? After a cancer diagnosis, nothing is like it was before.

Therapist Specialties - Therapy for Depression

Therapy for Depression

You have lost interest in the things that you once enjoyed. It’s just another dreadful day… week… month.

Therapist Specialties - Therapy for Anxiety

Therapy for Anxiety

Although anxiety can manifest itself in a multitude of ways, the impact on your life is the same…

Therapist Specialties - German Speaking Therapist

German Speaking Therapist

Du lebst als Deutsche/er in Colorado/ Colorado Springs. Du hast dich gut angepasst, sprichst fließend Englisch, denkst in Englisch.

feeling overwhelmed but unsure

where to start