Cancer Counseling

Cancer counseling helps

Cancer! Me?

Cancer! You are shocked! Is that really happening to me? After a cancer diagnosis, nothing is like it was before. Suddenly you have to talk to doctors and providers about your diagnosis, treatment options, and prognosis. Everything is sterile, cold. You are supposed to make rational decisions, but it’s all too much.

And there is this fear, lingering in the background, eating away at you, “Will I die? Did I bring the cancer on myself?”

You see the fear in your family’s eyes too. But everyone just says, “It’s going to be ok. You need to stay positive”. You want to be positive, but it feels like someone cut the ground from under your feet.

Will I get better?

Chemotherapy is scary. It’s supposed to help you, but with it you feel sicker than ever. And then, there it is, you lose your hair. Everyone says, “It’s just hair” but it feels like you are losing control and losing yourself. Everything is falling apart.

The treatment is over, and you are supposed to celebrate because you survived, but all you can think of is, “will it come back?” You are scanning your body often. Every little pain, every ache in your body triggers this fear, “How am I supposed to move on?”

Cancer Counseling - Colorado Springs, Colorado
Cancer Counseling - Colorado Springs, Colorado

Will I get better?

Chemotherapy is scary. It’s supposed to help you, but with it you feel sicker than ever. And then, there it is, you lose your hair. Everyone says, “It’s just hair” but it feels like you are losing control and losing yourself. Everything is falling apart.

The treatment is over, and you are supposed to celebrate because you survived, but all you can think of is, “will it come back?” You are scanning your body often. Every little pain, every ache in your body triggers this fear, “How am I supposed to move on?”

Take a deep breath –  cancer counseling can help you cope

I provide mental health support for individuals with cancer. No matter if you have been recently diagnosed, you are a cancer worrier during treatment, or you are a cancer survivor, it is important to get emotional support and learn coping skills that will empower you to navigate successfully through your cancer journey.

You don’t have to do it all alone – I am here for you.

“I have cancer. Cancer doesn’t have me.”

– Marco Calderon

Improving emotional well-being throughout cancer treatment and beyond

I will help you express your scary thoughts and concerns, like feeling responsible for the cancer or thinking about dying. I welcome the whole you without judgement, including your tears.

You will learn cognitive behavioral skills and tools to manage the emotional effects of cancer like overwhelming anxiety and worries, fear of cancer reoccurrence, anger, stress, and depression.

As your cancer counselor I will help you reconnect with your partner and family by empowering you to talk openly and honestly to one another.

You will learn to communicate more clearly with your health care team. We will focus on your needs and goals as well as organize your thoughts and questions so that your appointments with your doctors will be more productive.

I will help you develop a sense of self-compassion and help you deal with emotional concerns during and after cancer treatments like self-image, body-image, intimacy, and sex.

Don’t suffer in silence any longer. Cancer counseling can help. Call or text me today.